We all use computer and processors from Intel, but hardly any one of us know that the choice for intel to move into manufacturing of microprocessor was due to their complete market faliure on the area of memory chips. It was a forced decision as at that time microprocessor was not a market that had any potential. Intel was leader in manufacturing of memory - the technology which they pioneered, but japanese started making the products at a price and quality which intel was unable to comptete and it had to leave the memory market and itch for itself a new market - which today we call Microprocessor. Thus the moral of this story is that if intel had not been beaten on memory chip market - we would not have seen the Pentiums or Core 2 Duo.
I have just finished reading Andy Groove's Only the Paranoid Survives, its a great book, great because we come to see by reading the book that even the best of best makes mistakes and it is these mistakes that makes everyone. Andy Groove arguys that in the new business environment one needs to be Paranoid - one needs to constanly fear the unknown - and harness this fear to identify new markets and opportunities. And this is true not only for businessmen but also for employees.
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